I have got some requests of the code about the previous post.Here's the code.
githubdata <- read.csv("http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/956851/result_140314.csv",
as.is = TRUE)
githubdata <- subset(githubdata, type == "package")
githubdata$type <- NULL
dTable(githubdata, sScrollX = "1000px", sScrollY = "600px", sPaginationType = "full_numbers",
bScrollInfinite = TRUE, bScrollCollapse = TRUE, aaSorting = list(c(4, "desc")))
As for the code on the March 15, It had taken so much time to crawl that I couldn't wait. Then, I used the Google BigQuery for getting the snapshot of the github archive. So, There are some diffrences between the data above and the result of the March 15 code.
To do
Accompanied by the requests, I got useful suggestions and information. I'll try to respond to them at a subsequent post.
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